Dear colleagues!
The month of Ramadan is considered as the most sacred month. This month was called "The sultan of eleven months," since on one of the nights of this month we had the holy book Quran Karim. This month, Muslims get the opportunity to fulfill their duty to God, experience rethinking of good deeds, feelings of mercy and kindness. During fasting, although man continues his daily activities, he devotes himself to God and prayers, maintains the purity of hatred, and at this time the devil cannot find a way to his heart. The annual ceremonies of honor held in Azerbaijan with great joy and benefactor became a celebration of unity and solidarity, friendship and fraternal relations in our society.
This year was a great year of victory for our people. Under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev, our invincible army, having won a glorious victory, liberated Karabakh from occupation and restored the borders of our homeland. Allah thanks to all our witnesses who brought us this victory, and may the health of our veterans decline. Long live the Azerbaijani army!
On holidays, prayers are performed throughout the country for loyalty to our people, the memory of the inevitability of our witnesses is honored. On this moral holiday of renewal and purification, we congratulate you, wish you happiness and well-being, good work. God forbid, he will accept all your prayers!
Happy Ramadan!
Rector of ASATIFD named after A. Aliyev
Prof. Nazim Gasimov