Our employee spoke at the XIV Eurasian Oncohematology Congress


From 10/11/2023 to 10/14/2023, the XIV Eurasian Oncohematology Congress was held in Istanbul, Turkey. The purpose of this congress, which annually brings together leading oncohematologists from Europe and Asia, was to evaluate modern scientific and practical achievements in the diagnosis and treatment of oncohematological pathologies and pathologies of hemostasis, substantiate modern treatment protocols, etc. At the congress, Gunel Alizadeh, assistant of the Department of Hematology at Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev, presented a poster presentation on the topic “Azerbaijani experience in the treatment of hemophilia” and spoke about the achievements of our country in the treatment of hemophilia in recent years. The report was published in the journal Hematology, Transfusiology and Stem Cell Therapy. Members of the “Public Association of Hematologists of Azerbaijan” also spoke at the XIV Eurasian Oncohematology Congress. The four-day congress was full of scientific reports devoted to various topical issues in hematology.

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Our institute successfully provides development of national healthcare and higher medical personnel, development and improvement of qualifications of doctors for 80 years. The institute aims to increase awareness of medical education of doctors, their obtaining of new achievements of fundamental medicine and obtaining application of modern methods of diagnostics in clinical practice. These are integral attributes of developing modern medicine of the XXI century. Professor V.A.Tarnogradskiy, M.M.Efendiyev and B.A.Agayev were the first rectors of the institute. Academician Aziz Aliyev played great role for revival of our institute. The institute named after him since 1962 year according to resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers based on request of institute’s staff. Talented and highly qualified medical personnel, including M.Mammadov, M.X. Yagubov, S.M. Gusman, I.I.Lukov, S.G.Stain, N.M. Israfilova, P.P. Popov, S.İ.Velikhan, etc. was established in Azerbaijan during these years.

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Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named by A.Aliyev.

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